First, we promise fast shipping along with professional and secure packaging. But most importantly you can be assured of old fashioned customer service. You can expect our service to be friendly and professional.
You can also be assured that the service will continue after you receive you purchase. Our goal is for you to return to our store or recommend us. So we wish for you to have a positive experience.
We will not be satisfied if ONE customer is unhappy!! Don't miss out on your chance to SAVE while buying from a trusted seller.
Our preferred method of payment is PayPal. Credit cards can be processed through PayPal whether you have an active PayPal account or not. Simply select PayPal as your form of payment and follow the steps to use credit cards.
If you have any questions about the checkout process, feel free to e-mail us and we will glad to assist.
Your packages are shipped FAST!! Orders are processed within 1 business day, worse case the following day. Our preferred methods of shipment is through FedEx and USPS. If you prefer a particular carrier, please contact us and we will verify which carrier is used for this product and try to accommodate your request to change. We take every attempt to lower our shipping costs and forward that to you our customer. In an effort to keep cost lower please read the following:
NOTE: The only mode of shipment to Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico is utilizing USPS. Please contact us to inquire about additional charges to ship via USPS to these locations. WE WILL NOT PROCESS THE ORDER UNTIL SHIPPING CHARGES ARE RESOLVED!
Store Cruiser1. Factory Toyota Dealer
2. Outstanding response rating
3. 100% Authentic and genuine
4. All our products listed on
are in stock at our warehouse