Report: Worldly electric vehicle count on the road surpasses 1 million
A few years back, everyone was touting that there would be more electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids, that they were the bees’ knees and the end of the internal combustion engine was neigh. This visions was even fueled (no pun intended) by President Barack Obama’s ambitious initiative to have one million advanced technologies on the road by 2015, which didn’t exactly go as planned.
But a one-million mark was recently accomplished, according to AutoBlog, reporting on a new statement issued by the International Energy Agency.
According to AB, citing the IEA study, the world was able to get its one millionth plug-in vehicle on the road sometime in 2015. So Obama’s directive did work, not for the US, but the world as a whole.
The IEA considered the milestone as a huge achievement, despite the steep ush to put over one billion electric vehicles on the road around the world by 2050, a part of the IEA’s “2°C.” That there is the IEA’s campaign to do as much as possible to prevent the global average temperature from rising by two degrees Celsius. This would mean stimulating the electric car industry, while also focusing on advancing our worldly infrastructure with solar and wind power.
– By: Chris Chin
Source: AutoBlog Green