Have a youngen dreaming over your Tesla Model S? Get him or her one too

If your little one is a little bummed to have a $69,900 Tesla Model S out of his or her league, they shall have no worry, as you can get one for your kid instead, for only $499.

Back in my day, you had the Mattel plastic electrified Jeeps. Now, you have electric-powered plastic Teslas…well, they’re pretty much already that in full size. We mean, in miniature form for the youngens to enjoy.

Just like the real Model S, the minature version comes with a choice of battery sizes. They are of the lithium-ion type and can come in either 140-Wh size or 190-Wh. Top speed of the cars can be limited to either three, or six MPH.

To add to the authenticity, it also comes with working headlights, a trunk, and a music player with an interior boasting “plenty of space.”

It can be had in a choice of three official colors already offered on the real Model S: Red Multi-Coat, Deep Blue Metallic, and Midnight Silver Metallic.


– By: Chris Chin


Chris Chin

Chris Chin is the Editor-In-Chief of egmCarTech and is a regular contributor to Automobile Magazine.

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