Video: Watch the most insane footage of some Toyotas splashing through stuff
Ok, get this.
You take a $50,000 Aerigon drone system, hack it to run at 40% more capacity to handle a fully-rigged $100,000 Phantom Flex4K Ultra-HD camera (about 30lbs worth), then mount said Phantom to the drone. And this is what happens when two Toyota trucks splashing through stuff looks like with said rig in action.
It’s quite impressive. And while 4K technology is still criticized for being in its primary stages, it’s undoubtedly the future of the industry.
So just imagine what car videos will look like in 25,000 years when this stuff is more affordable for us plebians.
Check out the video after the jump and watch the results, in what Brain Farm calls “the most technologically advanced drone flight of all time… or a quarter million dollar crash.”
Source: Brain Farm via Endgadget