Report: Top Gear UK to sign another three year contract

Fans of British Top Gear, like yours truly, will be happy to hear that the BBC will be signing the trio on for an additional three years by contract. So that there pretty much guarantees there will be the world’s most admired motoring show for that duration.

Top Gear unfortunately has been the bearer of bad attention, from Jeremy Clarkson’s false report of dropping theĀ n-bomb to the controversy over the Patagonia special, where Jezza’s registration plate on his Porsche 928 was “H982 FKL,” which was interpreted as a reference to the 1982 Falklands War.

Either way, Top Gear will soldier on. As it should.


Chris Chin

Chris Chin is the Editor-In-Chief of egmCarTech and is a regular contributor to Automobile Magazine.

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