Video: Watch these rally spectators avoid near and certain death
If you are ever granted the chance to see an off-road rally race in person as a spectator, I would say, go for it, unequivocally no questions asked. But there are certain things you need to know about rally spectating, mainly because the spectators don’t exactly have a set of fenced-off bleachers to sit on and watch from a safe and far distance.
Majority of the time, you stand on the side of the road course as some of the world’s best drivers zip past you on all sorts of loose and paved surfaces. That said, you need to be considerable of the possibilities of things going wrong. And things can go quite wrong, especially in rallying.
One of these cardinal rules is to never spectate from an area that’s also the outside exit line of a curve. And by simple logic, that’s because cars can lose traction when exiting a curve and the loose surfaces of a rally course increase the chances of careening off.
And this is clearly seen in this video here, though thankfully, reports say nobody was seriously hurt. But from watching the video, you can definitely say everyone involved was insanely lucky. See what we mean below.
– By: Chris Chin
Source: MF my video – YouTube