Report: Top Gear USA pulls in its best ratings ever
After a switch to Tuesday nights, American Top Gear has pulled in its best ratings ever with the second half of season two.
A total of 2.1 million viewers tuned in to watch the series, 1.1 million of them adult viewers from 25 to 54, and 1.2 million between 18 and 49.
Top Gear previously aired on Sunday nights, but is now being promoted on “Top Tuesdays” with Top Shot following right behind it. Top Shot also saw high numbers with a total of 1.8 million viewers, 1.1 million from 25 to 54, and 1 million from the ages of 18 to 49.
American Top Gear should see a third season with these kinds of numbers, so expect to be tuning in again after this one is wrapped up.
– By: Alexandra Koken
Source: InsideLine