Adam Sandler drops $800,000 on buying each ‘Grown Ups’ co-star a Maserati

Want a Maserati? You can either work hard for the rest of your life to generate enough income to purchase one or work hard to become friends with Adam Sandler and star in one of his movies. If the movie makes a ton of money, you just might find a Maserati in your driveway.
Sandler recently spent $800,000 on buying each of his “Grown Ups” co-starts – Chris Rock, David Spade, Rob Schneider and Kevin James – a $200,000 Maserati. Which Maserati did the co-stars get? We have no idea.
“I went outside the other day and I had a new Maserati in the driveway,” Chris Rock told Howard Stern on his Sirius radio show, joking: “Now I think that I’m Adam Sandler’s b—h.”
– By: Omar Rana