Retweet This: Fiesta Movement test-driver reports Ford Fiesta stolen

Jake Bronstein, one of the 100 test-drivers that is participating in the Fiesta Movement, has reported his Magenta Fiesta stolen. Letting the world know about his unfortunate situation via Twitter, jakehimself tweeted:

#fiestamovement car STOLEN. No, really. Police en route now. I almost couldve predicted this somehow.

Ford’s social media head Scott Monty confirmed the report by tweeting the following:

You knew it had to happen. Our first @FordFiesta from #fiestamovement has been stolen.

Can you help? The stolen @FordFiesta (GPS tracked) is on I-95 near Port Chester, CT. Let us know if you see it.

Apparently, Ford is tracking the Fiesta live and is working with authorities to get the car back to its rightful owner, or test-driver or whatever you want Bronstein to be.

First Drive: 2010 Ford Fiesta:



– By: Omar Rana