LIVE VIDEO: Watch Audi AG reveal all “new” A5 Coupe in Germany
Audi’s A5 Coupe has been quite a success for the brand, but the car’s been with us in current form since 2007, making it around nine years old. That’s a way longer lifespan than most automakers set for a specific generation of model, especially the Germans, who like to change things faster than a woman during her “time of the month” changing her mind.
So naturally, we’d expect this new Audi A5 Coupe, currently being revealed over a live stream from Audi’s home in Ingolstadt, Germany, to be a completely new with different looks. But unremarkably, the “new” A5 Coupe pretty much looks the same as the old one, but with some new front and rear exterior details, inspired by Audi’s recent concepts as of late.
Audi claims the A5 is all new, but the overall body shape, and even the obvious reuse of the last model’s shoulder-line, show that this looks like a pretty lazy redesign. But, they could be pulling a Porsche 911 in which, they’d probably just parade around, chanting, “don’t fix what ain’t broke.”
Head on over to Facebook to check out the live stream, or watch it embedded in this post after the jump.
– By: Chris Chin
Source: Audi’s Facebook