Video: Watch BMW show off its new hybrid carbon-aluminum chassis for the next-gen 7-Series

A new BMW 7-Series is on the way and is rumored to be a segment leader in weight-cutting technology by extensively using CFRP or Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic and an aluminum chassis, with some bits and pieces of steel.

The result here is a weight-savings of around 286lbs for the next G12 7-Series.

This technology’s mainly been sourced from the i8 and the i3 cars, which use similar constructions.

Altogether, this represents BMW’s new mission to make carbon fiber and composite cars more readily available for mass production.

Check out the video after the jump.

Source: BimmerBlog

Chris Chin

Chris Chin is the Editor-In-Chief of egmCarTech and is a regular contributor to Automobile Magazine.

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