Fisker confirms battery not to blame in recent Karma fire
Following a second Fisker Karma plug-in hybrid sedan fire over the weekend, the automaker said that it its staff was in contact with the owner and was investigating the cause of the fire. The company also hired a independent fire expert to assist with the investigation.
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Fisker has now released a statement following its first investigation and said that “evidence revealed thus far supports the fact that the ignition source was not the Lithium-ion battery pack, new technology components or unique exhaust routing.”
Fisker said that the fire started outside the engine compartment and said there was no damage to the passenger area and that there were no injuries.
“Continued investigative efforts will be primarily focused within the specific area of origin, located forward of the driver’s side front tire,” Fisker said. Further details will be announced after a full report is completed.”
– By: Omar Rana