Google self-driving car gets Nevada’s first autonomous vehicle testing license, other automakers interested as well
Google’s self-driving Toyota Prius has been approved by Nevada’s Department of Motor Vehicles to receive the nation’s first autonomous vehicle license. Prior to being approved, officials were given rides on highways and in the Carson City neighborhoods. They were also driven by the self-driving Google Car on the famous Las Vegas Strip.
The Nevada legislature authorized self-driven cars for the state in 2011, making it the first such law in the nation. The law went into effect on March 1, 2012.
“The committee approved the application and is now creating the state’s first autonomous testing business license and license plates for the international company,” Nevada DMV said in a statement. “The license plates displayed on the test vehicle will have a red background and feature an infinity symbol on the left side.”
“I felt using the infinity symbol was the best way to represent the ‘car of the future’.” Department Director Bruce Breslow said. “The unique red plate will be easily recognized by the public and law enforcement and will be used only for licensed autonomous test vehicles. When there comes a time that vehicle manufactures market autonomous vehicles to the public, that infinity symbol will appear on a green license plate.”
Nevada said that Google was the first company to file an application and other auto manufactures have also shown interest to test and develop autonomous technology in Nevada in the future.
– By: Omar Rana