Delta E-4 Coupe electric car hits 150 mph, 0 to 60 mph in less than 5 secs
Looking for a sporty electric-car? You can always cash out more than $100,000 on a Tesla Roadster but if you don’t have that kind of a budget, here is something for you from the UK. Delta Motorsport, a UK engineering consultancy based at the Silverstone Circuit, has put together a two-door electric-car that has a range of 200 miles on single charge and can run from 0 to 60 mph in less than 5 seconds.
Known as the Delta E-4 Coupe, the car is built from the ground up and is powered by several direct-drive electric motors with 120-hp and 442 lb-ft of torque. The Delta E-4 Coupe made its track debut on May 9 at the Silverstone Circuit and hit a top speed of 150 mph.
Delta Motorsport, which was founded in 2005 by Simon Dowson and Nick Carpenter, has considerable experience in the motorsport and mainstream automotive sectors.
“We became involved with the design of hybrid and electric vehicles because they share many of the engineering challenges associated with motor sport – light weight parts, aerodynamic efficiency and innovative packaging solutions,” Dowson said. “We’ve had to re-think road cars from the beginning, looking at low cost composite structures, system efficiencies and novel occupant packaging.”
Delta E-4 Coupe:
– By: Omar Rana